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At Schoonderwoerd we focus on sustainability, by carrying out our entire process in-house and under one roof, we strive for the shortest and most efficient way of execution with the lowest CO2 emissions. The entire site is equipped with solar panels and we also purchase electricity from green power generation and this together creates an annual reduction of approximately 416,000 Kilograms of CO2 emissions.


This includes at Schoonderwoerd, first of all, the Family Business, together with the flexibility, passion for the profession, customer relationships, the working atmosphere, and personal growth. These facets bring well-being to the employees and create fun personal growth that comes from innovation.


Governance is a term that covers various aspects within an organization, deals with governance and control of an organization, and relates to responsibility and control within an organization. Good governance enables directors to make informed decisions and comply with regulations. Within Schoonderwoerd, this consists of thorough shareholders, who manage the entire family shares. Within Schoonderwoerd, no joint external interests apply, but the board has a full focus on the company and thus its performance and atmosphere.

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